The Program

Recoding PTSD is both a prevention method to resist getting Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and a resolution method to resolve PTSD once it has occurred. But wait, it is important to understand that we at Recoding PTSD, do not believe that this issue should be viewed as a disorder, illness, or any other malady. We believe instead, that what is being referred to as PTSD is a natural process that our mind uses to make sense of our world. Usually, as we experience our world, those experiences make sense to us. Most times they occured just as we had anticipated they would. But when our world does not make sense to us, we find that those experiences are outside of our expectations. This results in our need to adopt behaviors to keep ourselves safe, while giving our mind the time it needs to figure it all out. These behaviors are the symptoms that are used to medically diagnose PTSD.

The Recoding PTSD prospective shifts the focus from a medical view to one that is educational. Our program teaches the mind how to recode our memories and make sense of our world. Once this happens, then the symptoms of PTSD disappear as learning replaces the confusion and we make sense of our world.