Success Stories

Here is what a few of our Warfighters had to say about our program:

“This course will give you the confidence to begin making the necessary changes in your life. My issues cannot be resolved in a one week course however, I obtained the tools needed to start making the right changes. Once you learn a little bit of how your brain functions, anything is possible to change if you really want to make those changes. I would recommend this course to any Marine, Sailor, Soldier, Airman, or Civilian seeking to resolve any issue even if it isn’t PTSD. Very helpful and I feel confident about the future.”  (E­4 CPL)

“At first, I wasn’t sure, but as soon as I understood and it was broken down for me, it really was a relief. PTSD is not something to be played with in foolish ways. I have lost a couple of brothers after the war due to this illness, it is self destructive. I’m very glad I got the opportunity to attend these classes and the knowledge and explanations. If you don’t know about something, how can you find ways to deal with it? This class not only relieves the stress and anxiety but also brought me back to my old self. More confident than ever before. I really think it will help me a great deal in my future and the goals that I want to accomplish. I also hope I have paved a new way for Veterans and the other Marines and service members who serve their country and need help with their traumas. This definitely opened up my mind and changed my way of thinking. I recommend this to anyone. Seeing is Believing.” (RETIRED)

“Attending this program gave me hope that I can overcome my PTSD and TBI. Also the program gave me the tools I need to use myself as my own doctor and healer. I look forward to applying these tools in my everyday life and my military career.”  (GySgt)

“This program needs to be on every Major Military base for returning Vets. I believe it would help save a lot of problems not addressed by normal VA programs. I was really surprised at the vast distances Vets and active duty soldiers had to travel for something this necessary.” (Retired E­7)

“Mr. Boxx completely changed my attitude towards things and my way of seeing how I am in control of me and what to do in order to get that back.”   (1st Lt)

“On Oct 15, I began the Warrior Strengthening Program. I didn’t know what I was about to go through or how fast it could work. I found that my problems were gone after only a few days. I immediately started to feel good. I highly recommend this program to anyone with any kind of traumatic memory.” ( )

“I highly recommend this program to any Marines and Sailors who has PTSD or need help coming back from Iraq.” ( )

“This program has changed my life already in just 10 days. I would recommend it to anyone suffering from PTSD. I think it should be practiced in more places.”   ( )

“I would recommend this program prior to and if accommodations could be made in the middle and at the immediate end to a deployment to the theater of operations.” ( )

“Before this program I was in a stuck frame of mind. I was always wishing I was back in Iraq, because I knew what to expect out there unlike being back home. Now I have a better understanding of Iraq and home.”  (SGT)

“This program is very helpful and informative. It helps you to understand yourself better and be able to better process your fears, thoughts and feelings without being told how you feel or think.” ( )

“I think that this is a great program that has been long overdue. This program needs to be taken around to all bases that have troops that have been deployed to hazardous environments, or have other persons around to be trained so that they can run their own program . This program has shown me tools that I can apply to my everyday life no matter what the situation presents. The program has taught me a lot about myself and how the mind thinks. All in all, this is a tremendous program and I needed it.”  (GYSGT )

“This program was helpful in many different areas. Mainly in dealing with mainly on how to help yourself which I think is more important than depending on outside sources to help you. The tools I learned here, I know, will be used on many different problems for the rest of my life.”  (LCPL )

“Before coming to the Warrior Strengthening program I was barely able to control my anger, hate and disgust from deployments. During the 10 day course I was give numerous tools to learn,discover and fix what I had been feeling. If not for this program I am not sure I would have picked the right path in my life. Now I am able to make clear and concise thoughts about where I want tobe and how I want to live. In summary, I approve and recommend this program to anyone that may be suffering from PTSD and challenge them to get help. If not for their sake but for the sake of their family, friends, branch of service and coworkers.”   ( )

“This program was very helpful and I think all Marines they deploy to any type of combat zone should go through this program before and after they deploy.” (CPL)

“I had my doubts about this working. I had never heard of it and it just kind of out there. It was completely effective. I will recommend this to anyone who needs help.”  (SGT )

“I came here hoping to get some great tools to help me with some of my symptoms with PTSD.That is exactly what has happened. I have learned new things and had the chance to put then to the test over the weekend. everything that I was taught worked for me, Especially the body scan. Sailors do not get the chance to attend this course.” (CPO)

“I felt this training was very helpful and I will want to recommend the program when I get back to Quantico. The Body Scan tool has allowed me to be able to fall asleep on my own. I have been taking sleep medication for the past 2 years and now I can sleep on my own by using this tool.” ( )

“During this training I learned that PTSD is not a weakness and Learned how it seems to affect me differently than others. Also how and what triggers are and their effect. Hypnotherapy was very beneficial and to learn ways of altering it to my own needs.” ( )

“The Warrior Strengthening Program has changed my overall well being in such a short amount of time and I have gone to many different types of therapy and this is the only one that truly has helped me. I wish more Marines can have the opportunity to go. It gives us the tools instead of relying on a doctor. It is very effective and I have learned so much in such little time.” (PVT )

“I really hope we are able to extend this service to all units in the Marine Corps. I found the information to be invaluable and I expect it to impact my life positively. I wish that this information can be given to every unit returning from combat. I will be able to use these tools in every aspect of my life.” ( )

“This program’s approach to PTSD is really easy to absorb in many levels. By giving you the tools and explaining the effect it has on your body and mind it really empowers you as a person and it makes you believe that you have the ability to make yourself better, not having to rely on therapy or a pill is very significant. I strongly recommend this program. It helped me and I believe it will help others.”   (CPL )

“The classes are amazing. I know that there is a definite change in myself since the first day. All the knowledge of the brain was very helpful and I plan on using it in the future. This program took a unique approach to treatment of PTSD. This is the most beneficial treatment that I have received in my 2 years of treatment. I believe that if I had received this treatment/training prior to my medical board, I would not have had gone through the medical board. This training should be a pre-­deployment requisite and would be instrumental for commanders to help in the loss of personnel for treatment of PTSD. I will recommend this to everyone who has been or is currently being treated for PTSD.”  (2nd LT )

“I enjoyed learning new tools that helped me with my problems. I have been able to move forward in my life able to make new friends, get along with family members and share what I have learned with my wife. ” ( )

“The program was and very helpful to me. The instructor was able to explain all of my questions. I would recommend more service members to come to this program. Maybe sometime in the future have more of this program set up in nearby bases or duty stations.” (MSGT )

“I thoroughly enjoyed the process and information presented. I practice the tools on a regular basis. The class exceeded my needs. I have since been able to apply the tools to start diminishing the effects of my PTSD to an extent to where I can see a better future ahead. Before it would have been harder or impossible to get.” ( )

“I think it would be a mistake if the Services lets this program die. I’m not one that particularly believes in psychology but I do think that this program works in helping service members come to terms with their “demons”. This program should be the first stage in helping service members with PTSD, before you get into meditation and other therapies.”  (GYSGT)

“I feel this course will help me in life not just in PTSD. Its focus remained neutral and made it easy to accept regardless of my beliefs. Anyone who takes this will get some value. It has the ability to inspire new hopes and dreams.”  ( )

“Outstanding program! Should be used in conjunction with pre deployment training to help alleviate stress before, during and after deployment.”  (CPL, USMC)

“I would recommend this program to anyone with an issue that needs to be resolved. The program is working great for me. After the 3rd day, I started to feel much better and relaxed.” (LCPL )

“Upon starting the program, I was skeptical about its curriculum. But we were told to be open. Ashe “training” continued, I realized how much of a different approach this was and the tools taught,really work. It may not be miracle tools that will fix everything in 1 week, but continued usage will help to cope with our symptoms. This program is something that should be implemented throughout the Marine Corps to help Marines deal with any PTSD symptoms.” (SGT)

“The most important part of this program for me, was learning how the brain works and how I can change it. Learning I won’t have to deal with PTSD the rest of my life. That there is a lot of hope that one day I will get over it and it will no longer affect me or my Family and Friends. I will highly recommend this class to anyone. I’ve been in therapy for PTSD for over 2 years and a half. This 5-day course has been the most beneficial. When all my other doctors said “you will have PTSD the rest of your life”, I felt hopeless. With this training I feel there is light at the end of the tunnel and I will get over PTSD. After dealing PTDS chronically for over 6 years, seeing many doctors and trying any way to handle my issues, this program has finally given me hope.” (CPL)

“Great program. When I first found out that I was attending WSP I was, “OMG, not another group therapy”. But Mr. Boxx proved me wrong. I learned so much here. My expectations were meet to high standards. Thanks for all the help!” (CPL)